Graduation poems for family

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Time flew by so quickly

- by Judy Muldowney 59

We can't begin to tell you
Just how loved you are
We can't believe how time has flown
And how you've come so far

Forgive us when we stop and stare
And tears fall from our eyes
Time flew by so quickly
Sure took us by surprise

We asked you to stay little
To always be our baby
You said, "I'll try to if I can,
but, I'll have to grow up...maybe."

Now here you stand before us
A respectful, honest man
Strong-willed and determined
Who always says, "I can"

We flip though all your notes and cards
And pictures that you drew
Recall your quips and humor
'Unique', dear son, that's you!

There are no doubts within our minds
That you'll indeed succeed
Your future holds so much in store
But 'that smile' is all you need

You've always been so gentle,
So loving, kind and giving
Having you as our son, Jon
Is another term for 'living'

No matter where life leads you
No matter what you do
We'll always be your biggest fans
And we'll be here for you.

My sweet baby girl

- by Kristy Brown 58

I carried a miracle from God up above.
For nine months I waited to show you my love.
Twelve hours of labor, my head's in a whirl,
And finally the Doctor said, "Congrats! It's a girl."

The first sound you made was well worth the wait,
The moment I saw you I knew it was fate.
Ten fingers and toes and a headful of hair,
The face of an angel, all I could do was stare,

at this beautiful blessing that was given to me,
I wondered just what kind of mother I'd be.
She's crying, she's hungry, Mom, what should I do?
"You hold her, you feed her, it will all come to you".

Twelve years of school have come and gone,
and soon you will begin a life of your own.
My prayer for you is that God leads the way,
so pray to Him daily, He won't let you stray.

May He bless you and guide you in all that you do,
through good times and bad he will be there for you.
The love in my heart for you is so strong,
It's there forever right where it belongs.

It's time for you now to prosper and grow,
but before you start I want you to know.
My memories of you are cute dresses and curls,
I'll always see you as my sweet baby girl!

I love you Monica Paige!

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Famous poems about graduation poems for family. A collection of graduation poems for family poems, as well as a free poetry contest. Poems for graduation poems for family in english. The best graduation poems for family Poems Collection, classical graduation poems for family Poems.

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