Pregnancy poems

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A boy or a girl

- by Regina M. Linn 59

At first you moved,
only a little.
I could always find you,
right in the middle.

As time went on,
you really started to grow.
It wasn't a whole lot,
in fact, it was rather slow.

Before I knew it,
you were all over the place.
It kind of felt like
you were running a race.

People would ask me
if you were a boy or a girl.
I would sit and wonder,
if you would have curls.

There are so many things
I really want to know.
But you are hidden inside,
so the answers don't show.

How much will you weigh?
How tall will you be?
What color is your hair?
Will you even like me?

I hope and pray
you feel like you belong.
I never want you to feel
like you are alone.

Your Dad and I
planned you from the start.
You, my dear child,
were made straight from our hearts.

In about a week or so,
I'll meet you, for the first time.
For you are the product
of your Dad's love and mine.

There will be no one like you,
not any place in the world.
It really doesn't matter
if you are a boy or a girl.

We are both so happy
that you even exist.
The gender doesn't matter.
you'll be hard to resist.

I hope I make you proud,
that I am your mother every day.
Because, you have filled my dreams
in more ways than words can say.

It won't be long before
I can look you in the eyes.
I can feel the excitement growing,
I know I'm going to cry.

Don't worry my angel,
those tears will be of joy.
It won't matter to me
if you are a girl or a boy.


- by Cheri-Ann Leon 58

Current mood: determined

Natalie, my sweet little baby
I love you with all my life.
To feel you move inside of me
Lets me know what beautiful wonders life really does bring
One day soon you will be brought to this world
The doctor will place you on my heart.
From there, my love, you and I will never part.
Your mommy idolizes you forever and for always
Anything life gives you I will be there to guide you
We will gaze at the moon and stars
We will watch the sun rise and set
I will help you notice the smallest miracles in life
We will always stop to smell the flowers
We will touch the grass
And lie in the sand
We'll walk in mud and play in the rain
You'll draw pictures for me and even paint.
Your dresses will be big
And your hands so small
Your voice and songs so sweet
An angel's voice to me
Once you are here, Natalie,
The world is yours and I am here for you.
Never EVER to leave.

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Famous poems about pregnancy. A collection of pregnancy poems, as well as a free poetry contest. Poems for pregnancy in english. The best pregnancy Poems Collection, classical pregnancy Poems.

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