Moving on poems on death

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To heaven's gates

- by Maria Kraus 59

To Heaven's Gates
we wish to fly
out of this world
across the sky

To Heaven's Gates
our souls are seeking
the angel's lyres
and voices speaking

To Heaven's Gates
our lifelong journey
not through these halls
atop a gurney

To Heaven's Gates
you start to weep
I was never yours to keep

To Heaven's Gates
why mourn with sorrow?
Morning shall come
there will be a tomorrow

To Heaven's Gates
I view their glory
glancing behind
I close my story

At Heaven's Gates
I find myself
not bruised, not broken
nor on the Shelf

At Heaven's Gates
I hear you cry
and remind you:
this isn't really goodbye

In our hearts

- by Rose de Leon 58

We thought of you with love today,
But that is nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday.
And days before that too.
We think of you in silence.
We often speak your name.
Now all we have is memories.
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake.
With which we'll never part.
God has you in his keeping.
We have you in our heart.

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Famous poems about moving on poems on death. A collection of moving on poems on death poems, as well as a free poetry contest. Poems for moving on poems on death in english. The best moving on poems on death Poems Collection, classical moving on poems on death Poems.

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