Short sad poems

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Possibility pair, of ox

- by David Mchugh 59

I wake up,
I never sleep

I fill my lungs,
I never breathe

I move my lips,
I never speak

Broken pipes that never leak

I open eyes,
I cannot see

I spire thoughts
I cannot teach

I drip in eighths,
I cannot listen

Tortured souls that cannot glisten

How could i be so lonely

- by Cath Glasgow 58

How could I be so lost,
In a place I know so well?
How could I be so broken,
In a family so together?
How could I be so lonely,
Surrounded by so many?
How could I be so unhappy,
Surrounded by so much beauty?
How could I be me,
When even I remain a mystery?

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Famous poems about short sad. A collection of short sad poems, as well as a free poetry contest. Poems for short sad in english. The best short sad Poems Collection, classical short sad Poems.

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