Addiction poems

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I love you daddy

- by Michelle Selby 59

You were born today
A gift from God
The blessing we waited for
Your small fingers, your tiny toes

You turned one today
You say my name, Daddy
I feel my heart melt
The cute smile on your face
You teeter totter when you walk

You turned two today
We "talk" about your favorite show
You cry when I had to leave for work
I promised to be home soon
A little kiss on my cheek, "I love you, Daddy."

You turned three today
You are so precious to me
We went out to celebrate
We were hit on the highway
The officer said something about his state
The man had been drinking, a little too much
I hold you lifeless body
A peck on your cheek, remembering, "I love you, Daddy."

You would have been four today
A tear trickles down my cheek
I remember your little voice
"Daddy, Let's play."
I kneel down, placing four roses on your grave
It hurts to remember your hugs and kisses
And the memory, "I love you, Daddy."

You would have been five today
I try not to think about it
But the emptiness won't stop
I wonder what you would have said today
Probably the sweetness of "I love you, Daddy."

The years pass by
But you are still on my mind
Still in my heart
I miss you so very much

You would have been ten today
I can imagine you on your new bike
I try to hear you laugh at my jokes
All I can think of is you
I wish I could hear "I love you, Daddy."

The years pass by
But you are still on my mind
Still in my heart
I miss you so very much

You would have been thirteen today
I see you in my mind, beautiful
Slumber parties, field trips, and friends
All the things that could have been
And, in my mind I hear "I love you, Daddy."

The years pass by
But you are still on my mind
Still in my heart
I miss you so very much

You would have been sixteen today
Sweet sixteen, dresses and curls, boyfriends
A dance together that will never happen
I pretend to see you twirl around
All you say is "I love you, Daddy."

The years pass by
But you are still on my mind
Still in my heart
I miss you so very much

You would have been eighteen today
Moving out, on your own
Living life to the fullest
A brand new life awaiting your charm
And as you leave, you say
"I love you, Daddy."

The years pass by
But you are still on my mind
Still in my heart
I miss you so very much

You would have been twenty-one today
You run to me and say, "I'm engaged."
Excited, I hug you and kiss your cheek
It would have been my turn to walk you down the aisle
As I give you away, you stop and say,
"I love you, Daddy."

I wish all these things could have been
If only you were still here
My life would mean so much more
Only if I could really hear you say,
"I love you, Daddy."

Welcome to hell

- by Nelly Barnes 58

''Welcome to Hell," the sign should've read,
Reaching your destination-all in your head!
"Last call for the train heading to Nowhere Fast,"
The memories you create will forever last.
You want to buy a ticket, What's the cost, you ask?
Just hop on board, we'll talk once your trashed.
Close your eyes and picture something grand,
No peeking! Now trust me, and give me your hand!
To a beach with water and the sun shining down,
Open up! No beach here, you're hell bound.
Of course there's water! But it's for your rig and spoon,
Lil' girl, don't be afraid- 14 years old isn't that soon?
The men don't bite, but you'll be messed up beyond belief,
When you do pass out, not remembering- a relief.
Ashamed to face Mommy! Got to have that coke!
Shooting dope everyday, A girl with dreams lost all hope.
I laugh at you as you toss your life in the wind,
To far gone... it's us till' the end.
I'll be there when you loose your pride,
When you forget your morals, I'm at your side.
You'll cheat and steal to have that fix,
Won't take baby to the doctor although she's sick.
Getting a pill- definitely #1 on the list,
Oops. Another appointment baby missed.
Nanny buys diapers because Mommy stays high,
Daddy hits Mommy and the children cry.
After years of this bliss the kids got took,
Mommy is a junkie and fast becoming a crook.
You'll land in jail, a drug addict you remain,
Your heart turns cold as you play the game.
Do not pass go- strip your dignity right here,
This old man wants you, dry your tears,
Quote a price! Self respect long forgotten,
You'd sell your soul to the devil for an Oxycontin.
I told you girl the destination is in your head!
"Welcome To Hell!" Next stop... Well, she's dead.
I told you that I'd stick it out till' the end,
For me, you traded your dreams and kids,
Your Addiction, Life, and your faithful Friend.

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Famous poems about addiction. A collection of addiction poems, as well as a free poetry contest. Poems for addiction in english. The best addiction Poems Collection, classical addiction Poems.

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