Francis Quarles poems

Francis Quarles(8 May 1592 - 8 September 1644 / Romford, Essex, England)
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On the World

- by Francis Quarles 94

The world's an Inn; and I her guest.
I eat; I drink; I take my rest.
My hostess, nature, does deny me
Nothing, wherewith she can supply me;
Where, having stayed a while, I pay
Her lavish bills, and go my way.

On The World

- by Francis Quarles 67

The world's an Inn; and I her guest.
I eat; I drink; I take my rest.
My hostess, nature, does deny me
Nothing, wherewith she can supply me;
Where, having stayed a while, I pay
Her lavish bills, and go my way.

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Poems by Francis Quarles, Francis Quarles's poems collection. Francis Quarles is a classical and famous poet (8 May 1592 - 8 September 1644 / Romford, Essex, England). Share all poems of Francis Quarles.

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