Donald Justice poems

Donald Justice(12 August 1925 - 6 August 2004 / Miami / Florida)
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Bus Stop

- by Donald Justice 52

Lights are burning
In quiet rooms
Where lives go on
Resembling ours.

The quiet lives
That follow us—
These lives we lead
But do not own—

Stand in the rain
So quietly
When we are gone,
So quietly . . .
And the last bus
Comes letting dark
Umbrellas out—
Black flowers, black flowers.

And lives go on.
And lives go on
Like sudden lights
At street corners

Or like the lights
In quiet rooms
Left on for hours,
Burning, burning.

Submitted by C.K.

Men at Forty

- by Donald Justice 47

Men at forty
Learn to close softly
The doors to rooms they will not be
Coming back to

Page description:

Poems by Donald Justice, Donald Justice's poems collection. Donald Justice is a classical and famous poet (12 August 1925 - 6 August 2004 / Miami / Florida). Share all poems of Donald Justice.

© Poems are the property of their respective owners, reproduced here for educational and informational purposes, and is provided at no charge.