David Ignatow poems

David Ignatow(7 February 1914 - 17 November 1997 / Brooklyn/ New York)
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For My Daughter

- by David Ignatow 84

When I die choose a star
and name it after me
that you may know
I have not abandoned
or forgotten you.
You were such a star to me,
following you through birth
and childhood, my hand
in your hand.

When I die
choose a star and name it
after me so that I may shine
down on you, until you join
me in darkness and silence

The Bagel

- by David Ignatow 77

I stopped to pick up the bagel
rolling away in the wind,
annoyed with myself
for having dropped it
as if it were a portent.
Faster and faster it rolled,
with me running after it
bent low, gritting my teeth,
and I found myself doubled over
and rolling down the street
head over heels, one complete somersault
after another like a bagel
and strangely happy with myself.

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Poems by David Ignatow, David Ignatow's poems collection. David Ignatow is a classical and famous poet (7 February 1914 - 17 November 1997 / Brooklyn/ New York). Share all poems of David Ignatow.

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