Daniel Henry Deniehy poems

Daniel Henry Deniehy(18 August 1828 - 22 October 1865 / Sydney / Australia)
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Amans Amare

- by Daniel Henry Deniehy 34

A cottage small be mine, with porch
Enwreathed with ivy green,
And brightsome flowers with dew-filled bells,
'Mid brown old wattles seen.

And one to wait at shut of eve,
With eyes as fountain clear,
And braided hair, and simple dress,
My homeward step to hear.

On summer eves to sing old songs,
And talk o'er early vows,
While stars look down like angels' eyes
Amid the leafy boughs.

When Spring flowers peep from flossy cells,
And bright-winged parrots call,
In forest paths be ours to rove
Till purple evenings fall.

The curtains closed, by taper clear
To read some page divine,
On winter nights, the hearth beside,
Her soft, warm hand in mine.

And so to glide through busy life,
Like some small brook alone
That winds its way 'mid grassy knolls,
Its music all its own.

To His Wife

- by Daniel Henry Deniehy 15

O Pure of soul, and fond and deep of heart
For those who darkened be,
Lift up thy holy voice, at morn and eve,
And pray for me,—

For me, who for this thronging world's hot strife
A prize hath brought to be
Among the known—but sweet too dearly earned;
Ah, pray for me.

Not aye the scholar's path a track of peace,
Nor from the dread sins free;
Hard by the Isles of Truth doth Circe prowl;
Oh, pray for me.

The spirits' hell-gloom and its hurricane
Round studious cells may be;
Thou patient Moon of Memory's dreary sky,
Oh, pray for me.

When through thy well-known window, oped beneath
The uneasy, whispering tree,
Burn stars we children two have tried to count,
Then pray for me.

At hour of rest, and when the moon makes pleased
The melancholy sea,
And noon's surcease of happy household toil,
Yes, pray for me.

Some solace for this wrung and rifted heart,
That, wheresoe'er thou be,
Thou wilt, God's holiest gift, thou woman pure,
Yet pray for me.

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Poems by Daniel Henry Deniehy, Daniel Henry Deniehy's poems collection. Daniel Henry Deniehy is a classical and famous poet (18 August 1828 - 22 October 1865 / Sydney / Australia). Share all poems of Daniel Henry Deniehy.

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