Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov poems

Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov(28 February 1866 - 16 July 1949 / Moscow)
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Clothed In Beauty

- by Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov 63

As if chiseled, a fruit-laden branch
Hangs in my garden, asleep - so low...
The trees sleep - and dream? - in moonlight;
And the mystery of their life is near, near...

Even if we cannot grasp it,
The mute language is still intelligible:
They use our beauty to express
How we are one amidst rays and spots of light.

And the tremor of any life's creation
Reveals itself in a lovely form;
And the variance of different things is sweetened
By shared beauty. Multiply it!

And the world will be like this unstirring garden,
Where everything heeds a harmonious silence:
Both stem and flower yield to the dear Earth;
Both flower and stem listen to the Moon.

Heaven Above, Heaven Below

- by Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov 48

Night opens wide the burning Macrocosm,-
And heaven's hierarchies come into view
Lo, the spirit sings, and the elements dance
Interwoven with snaky locks of starlight.

And the Microcosm grows distinct in the deep night:
We hear the roar of elements spinning inside us,-
And behold our own hierarchical assemblage
From close stars to dim-eyed spots of light.

There is a milky way in the soul as in the heavens;
There is a multitude in both of these creations:
The same word is stamped in both of these books -

And twin scales measure the same weight.
There is a He in the flames of depths revealed;
There is an I in the deepest miracles.

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Poems by Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov's poems collection. Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov is a classical and famous poet (28 February 1866 - 16 July 1949 / Moscow). Share all poems of Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov.

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