Stephen Crane poems

Stephen Crane(November 1, 1871 - June 5, 1900 / New Jersey)
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- by Stephen Crane 85

ONCE I saw mountains angry,
And ranged in battle-front.
Against them stood a little man;
Ay, he was no bigger than my finger.
I laughed, and spoke to one near me,
“Will he prevail?”
“Surely,” replied this other;
“His grandfathers beat them many times.”
Then did I see much virtue in grandfathers,—
At least, for the little man
Who stood against the mountains.


- by Stephen Crane 84

A youth in apparel that glittered
Went to walk in a grim forest.
There he met an assassin
Attired all in garb of old days;
He, scowling through the thickets,
And dagger poised quivering,
Rushed upon the youth.
'Sir,' said this latter,
'I am enchanted, believe me,
To die, thus,
In this medieval fashion,
According to the best legends;
Ah, what joy!'
Then took he the wound, smiling,
And died, content.

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Poems by Stephen Crane, Stephen Crane's poems collection. Stephen Crane is a classical and famous poet (November 1, 1871 - June 5, 1900 / New Jersey). Share all poems of Stephen Crane.

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