Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts poems

Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts(10 January 1860 - 26 November 1943 / Douglas, New Brunswick)
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Grey Rocks, and Greyer Sea

- by Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts 24

Grey rocks, and greyer sea,
And surf along the shore --
And in my heart a name
My lips shall speak no more.

The high and lonely hills
Endure the darkening year --
And in my heart endure
A memory and a tear.

Across the tide a sail
That tosses, and is gone --
And in my heart the kiss
That longing dreams upon.

Grey rocks, and greyer sea,
And surf along the shore --
And in my heart the face
That I shall see no more.


- by Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts 24

A faint wind, blowing from World's End,
Made strange the city street.
A strange sound mingled in the fall
Of the familiar feet.
Something unseen whirled with the leaves
To tap on door and sill.
Something unknown went whispering by
Even when the wind was still.
And men looked up with startled eyes
And hurried on their way,
As if they had been called, and told
How brief their day.

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Poems by Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts, Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts's poems collection. Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts is a classical and famous poet (10 January 1860 - 26 November 1943 / Douglas, New Brunswick). Share all poems of Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts.

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