Shaul Tchernichovsky poems

Shaul Tchernichovsky(1875 - 1943 / Russia)


- by Shaul Tchernichovsky 52

Laugh, laugh at all my dreams!
What I dream shall yet come true!
Laugh at my belief in man,
At my belief in you.

Freedom still my soul demands,
Unbartered for a calf of gold.
For still I do believe in man,
And in his spirit, strong and bold.

And in the future I still believe
Though it be distant, come it will
When nations shall each other bless,
And peace at last the earth shall fill.

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Poems by Shaul Tchernichovsky, Shaul Tchernichovsky's poems collection. Shaul Tchernichovsky is a classical and famous poet (1875 - 1943 / Russia). Share all poems of Shaul Tchernichovsky.

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