Karle Wilson Baker poems

Karle Wilson Baker(1878 - 1960 / United States)
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Let Me Grow Lovely

- by Karle Wilson Baker 27

Let me grow lovely, growing old--
So many fine things do:
Laces, and ivory, and gold,
And silks need not be new;
And there is healing in old trees,
Old streets a glamour hold;
Why may not I, as well as these,
Grow lovely, growing old?

Apple and Rose

- by Karle Wilson Baker 26

My little daughter is a tea-rose,
Satin to the touch,
Wine to the lips,
And a faint, delirious perfume.
But my little son
Is a June apple,
Firm and cool,
And scornful of too much sweetness,
But full of tang and flavor
And better than bread to the hungry.
O wild winds, and clumsy, pilfering bees,
With the whole world to be wanton in,
Will you not spare my little tea-rose?
And O ruthless blind creatures,
Who lay eggs of evil at the core of life,
Pass by my one red apple,
That is so firm and sound!

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Poems by Karle Wilson Baker, Karle Wilson Baker's poems collection. Karle Wilson Baker is a classical and famous poet (1878 - 1960 / United States). Share all poems of Karle Wilson Baker.

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