Being bored sayings

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◆ You never realize how boring your life is until someone asks what you like to do for fun...
- 99
◆ If you're bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don't have enough goals.
- Lou Holtz99
◆ During summer, you wish you were in school so would have something to do. In school, you wish it was summer so you'd have nothing to do.
- 99
◆ Too bored to stay home. Too lazy to go out.
- 99
◆ I'm as bored as a slut on her period.
- 99
◆ The only time I open my books to do homework is when I can't think of anything else to do.
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◆ I logout from FB reason: I am bored. After 5min I signed in reason: I am bored.
- 99
◆ Life is better in the summer....
- 99
◆ Honestly, I'm scared that you'll get bored of me.
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◆ Well, Im bored again. Time to open the fridge.
- 99
◆ Summer: Sitting at home alone all day realizing how many friends you don't have.
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◆ I hate when people in a commercial have more fun in 30 seconds than I will ever have in my whole life.
- 99
◆ If my room is clean, it means that my internet is not working.
- 99
◆ When I get bored, I look through my entire phone to see if there are any cool options I missed.
- 99
◆ Dear Board of Education, so are we...
- 99

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Being bored sayings, classical sentences sayings about being bored, sayings for being bored words, the best being bored sayings collection, motivational quotations on being bored.

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