Party sayings
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- Nisshtha Ghai99◆ I remember times I had. Some were happy, some were sad. Memories, me and my partners in crime. Throwing up a thousand times.
- 99◆ Study hard, but party harder.
- Nicole Polizzi99◆ Work hard now and party hard later.
- 99◆ That akward moment when you arrive at the party and see someone else wearing the same dress.
- 99◆ The awful feeling waking up the next day after a night of drinking and having to read those texts you sent during the night.
- Robert Boughter99◆ Music loud: Check! Drink in hand: Check! Smile on face: Check! Saturday mode activated!
- Arjun Loveable99◆ Signs of a good night: you wake up with your sunglasses on.
- 99◆ If you ask me to hold your drink, I will drink it.
- 99◆ I only party on days that end in 'y'
- 99◆ Party instructions: Walk in. Fuck shit up. Walk out.
- 99◆ Summer Drinking Rule number 5: If you bring alcohol to a party, you must drink it or leave it.
- 99◆ Listen, I'm not an alcoholic, alcoholics go to meetings. I'm a drunk, we go to parties.
- 99◆ Tonight I plan on having such an awesome night, Morgan Freeman should narrate it.
- 99◆ If you wake up hoping no one tagged you in any pictures from last night, you're partying the right way.
- 99
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Party sayings, classical sentences sayings about party, sayings for party words, the best party sayings collection, motivational quotations on party.
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