Being pregnant quotes

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◆ That awkward moment when you congratulate a fat lady for being pregnant...
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◆ I'm glad I woke up. I always have the shittiest dreams, stuff like being late for everything or being pregnant or painfully dying.
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◆ Girls that lie about being pregnant are dumb as hell. You never know how the boy will react.
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◆ Being pregnant comes with a lot, a lot of emotions you never realized you had.
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◆ Woke up from a nightmare about being pregnant and having a miscarriage. Most horrifying dream I've had yet...
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◆ I really wish everybody really would stop acting pregnant or doing extra stuff the last time I checked being pregnant was serious.
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◆ I think my husband secretly wants babies because every time I get paranoid about being pregnant he gets all snuggly. I don't want babies.
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◆ You know what must suck , being pregnant for the whole nine months then something going wrong during labor and the baby passing away.
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◆ Success is like being pregnant, everybody congratulates you, but nobody knows how many times your were f***** before you got there.
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◆ I don't find it cute being pregnant at 15...
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◆ The emotional crying part of being pregnant , is not where its at...
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◆ Why do females lie about being pregnant and lie about the baby daddy?
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◆ Best thing about being pregnant...People WANT you to nap and you don't feel guilty or lazy for doing so.
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◆ Being pregnant don't make you wifey.
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◆ I don't wanna have a baby now , but I wanna experience being pregnant just to see how it would be.
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Being pregnant quotes, classical sentences quotes about being pregnant, quotes for being pregnant words, the best being pregnant quotes collection, motivational quotations on being pregnant.

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