Being imperfect quotations

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◆ I never make the same mistake twice. I make it five or six times, just to be sure.
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◆ I might not be perfect, but neither are you so go and check your mistakes before rating mine.
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◆ Everyone loves to critize others and judge in wrong ways. They never seen themselves first before judging people that actually trying to be nice to them. Most of time what they judge are appeareance and attitude. But they never realize they are also imperfect just everybody else.
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◆ Nobody is perfect and nobody deserves to be perfect. Nobody has it easy, everybody has issues. You never know what people are going through. So pause before you start judging, criticizing or mocking others. Everybody is fighting their own unique war...
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◆ Stop worrying about your messy hair, your eyeliner and your curvy body, one day you'll find a guy that won't care about it.
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◆ No one in this world is pure and perfect..if you avoid people for their little mistakes, you will always be alone. So judge less and love more!
- Jabez Richards98
◆ I always feel so lost. I always feel so nervous. Tell me, why is everyone so perfect? While I feel so worthless. And I've come to believe all the things I'm seeing. On magazines and TV, of every single perfect being. All the people are so happy, and such amazing skin. Oh, how I'd kill to live the life they are in. I'm lost trying to impress this guy who I love. Everything I do still isn't enough. I still need to do much more. To get this guy to notice me, people wonder what for? I've just been used by guys and hurt by girls. I've been bruised and cursed by the world. I'm trying to perfect. I'm waiting for someone to tell me I'm worth it.
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◆ I might to be someone's the first choice, but I m a great choice. I may not be rich, but I am valuable. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not, because I'm good at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things I've done in the past, but I am proud of who I am today. I may not be perfect, but I don't need to be. Take me as I am, or watch me as I walk away.
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◆ Lets face it, everyone trys to be strong and act like nothing ever goes bad in their life, but in reality we all struggle and need help once in a while...Its okay to cry, laugh and ask for help because no one is perfect!
- Allison Leigh98
◆ I may not be perfect, but I don't need to be...I am the way God made me.
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◆ When someone sees you at your worst and still thinks you look your best, that is someone worth keeping.
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◆ Do I get jealous? Yes. Do I cry randomly? Yes. Do I get angry? Yes. Do I fight? Yes. Do I need a daily hug? Yes. Because I'm only human.
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◆ I'm not perfect. You're not perfect. But we're perfect together and that's all that matters.
- Mario Tomasello98
◆ No one is perfect. If you continue searching for the perfect person you're going to always come up short.
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◆ My self confidence goes down every time I see a girl that's prettier than me.
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Being imperfect quotations, classical sentences quotations about being imperfect, quotations for being imperfect words, the best being imperfect quotations collection, motivational quotations on being imperfect.

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