Being confident sayings

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◆ Never let anyone walk all over you. Stand up for yourself, put your foot down and tell them that you DON'T put up with disrespect.
- Sonya Parker99
◆ Despite all the things I have been through in my life, I will continue to hold my head up high and move on. Because I'm a survivor not a victim.
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◆ Don't worry about the things in life you have no control over, instead focus your energy on the things you can change, being positive and confident keep us looking forward instead of looking backwards
- Rashida Rowe99
◆ Don't take to heart what they are saying. Let them think whatever they want to think about you. Know yourself and don't be affected by others' opinions because we can't change people or circumstances but we can change our attitude towards them.
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◆ Life isn't always amazing; there will be times of trial and times of struggle along the way but don't give up, be strong, believe in yourself and show life that you are going to make it no matter what it throws at you.
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◆ Self-confidence is a key to unlock self-motivation.
- Anuj Somany99
◆ Today I will close the door to the past and open the new door to the future with my head held high to a new chapter in my life!
- Nishan Panwar99
◆ You are a person, beautiful and unique... express yourself, strengthen yourself, kick yourself, wet yourself with tears, dry yourself with confidence, be who you are, do what you want, say how you feel, love like its real, never let anyone suppress you, never let anything make you believe your life isn't worth living...
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◆ I've had enough of trying to prove myself to people. Now I don't care about what people think as long as I'm happy with myself!
- Nishan Panwar99
◆ Keep your head up high and your middle finger higher.
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◆ When you stand alone does not mean you're alone, It means You're strong enough to handle things on your own.
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◆ The world is not always easy and the world isn't always nice so don't be afraid to stand your ground, speak the truth and be confident that your decisions will at the very least suffice.
- Nicole Hill99
◆ Never back down Stay strong, stay happy and Always stay confident
- Mike Saquan Wren99
◆ Tomorrow is a blank page, just waiting to be filled with your dreams... All you have to do is be yourself and live the story of your own unique life. Be proud. Be confident. And most of all be happy.
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◆ Smile through your tears, laugh through your pain,act confident through all your insecurities. Never let people see you hurt, because they will think they won.
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Being confident sayings, classical sentences sayings about being confident, sayings for being confident words, the best being confident sayings collection, motivational quotations on being confident.

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