Bad love quotes

◆ There's ups and downs in this love. Got a lot to learn in this love. Through the good and the bad, still got love.
- Beyonce100
◆ When I love you it's real and when you get on my bad side, I hate you.
- 99
◆ I love you, in spite of all your faults, is that bad? Probably...
- 99
◆ As much as we ended on a bad note & drama still happens, I love you & if you ever need me I'm a phone call away.
- 99
◆ You can't help who you love and or who you care for...sometimes you got to go through the bad to get to the good.
- 99
◆ When you really love someone you really don't want to believe that they're a bad person so you convince yourself that they're not bad.
- Sonya Parker99
◆ Not being loved back hurts, but realize that it's a sign that you're trying to be with someone that you're not meant to be with.
- Sonya Parker99
◆ Love doesn't always have a happy ending. Just because you love someone so much, doesn't mean they are the right one for you
- Anurag Prakash Ray99
◆ So many girls fall in love with the wrong guy, simply because the wrong guy usually says all the right things.
- 99
◆ It's bad manners to say I love you with a mouth full of lies...
- 99
◆ Truth is...I'm still in love with you, but it hurts so bad because I wish I was over you.
- 99
◆ I just really love boys. Is that so bad?
- Andrea Russett99
◆ The hardest thing for me to do is watch a bad female get treated deserve better love.
- 99
◆ Bad relationships are to end, so the good one's can begin. Let it go, be alone, love yourself and be patient for love.
- 99
◆ When you love someone you just don't treat them bad.
- 99

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Bad love quotes, classical sentences quotes about bad love, quotes for bad love words, the best bad love quotes collection, motivational quotations on bad love.

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