Bad karma quotes

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◆ If you leave someone for another person, don't be surprised if that person leaves you for someone else.
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◆ Ignore me? Okay that's cool, just don't be mad when I ignore you.
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◆ Dont waste your time on revenge. Those who hurt you will eventually face their own karma.
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◆ When karma finally hits you in the face, I'll be there...Just in case it needs some help.
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◆ It's really sad how one day I'll seem to have everything going right then the next day I'll lose everything so fast.
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◆ Welcome to the Karma Cafe. There are no menus. You get served what you deserve.
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◆ I'm glad karma's a bitch because I know sooner or later that bitch is coming for you.
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◆ Cheating gets old, and once your mature enough to stay faithful and want something real, that's the time you get played. Karma's a B...
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◆ Maybe Karma wouldn't be so nasty if we stopped calling her a bitch.
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◆ That moment when you give someone advice, they don't listen to you, then you sit back and watch everything you predicted happen.
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◆ If I treated you the way you treated me, I promise you wouldn't have stuck around the way I did.
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◆ Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains!
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◆ Karma is like a rubber-band: it can only stretch so far before it comes back and smacks you in the face.
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◆ Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed.
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◆ How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
- Wayne Dyer99

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Bad karma quotes, classical sentences quotes about bad karma, quotes for bad karma words, the best bad karma quotes collection, motivational quotations on bad karma.

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