Bad girl sayings

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◆ You can't play Games with a girl who made the rules.
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◆ Good girls go bad because bad boys don't treat them right.
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◆ A nice girl is just a bad girl that doesn't get caught.
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◆ It's okay for a good girl to be a little bad from time to time...Keep us boys on our toes.
- Jake Owen99
◆ I am not a player...I'm the game.
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◆ I can only please one person per day, today is not your day and tomorrow doesn't look good either.
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◆ They say true love hides behind every Corner...I must be walking in Circles!
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◆ Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the privilege.
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◆ Do you believe in love at first site? Or should I walk by again?
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◆ Fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity.
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◆ Mirrors don't talk and lucky for you they don't laugh!
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◆ If you don't like the way I drive, get off the sidewalk.
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◆ Big Girls dont cry, they get even.
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◆ Everyone gets a chance in the spotlight; you can have it when I'm done!
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◆ What a shame...looks like the ugly fairy kissed you on both cheeks!
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Page description:

Bad girl sayings, classical sentences sayings about bad girl, sayings for bad girl words, the best bad girl sayings collection, motivational quotations on bad girl.

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