Bad day quotes

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◆ Didn't give a fuck yesterday, Don't give a fuck today, And I probably won't give a fuck tomorrow either.
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◆ I just don't have enough middle fingers for today.
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◆ Slamming the door shut, so everybody in the house knows you're pissed off.
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◆ Ever want to answer every question with a middle finger...
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◆ Nothing is more annoying than being in a bad mood for no apparent reason and being asked 'what's wrong?' over and over again.
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◆ Whenever you think you're having a bad day, just remember...some people have babies.
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◆ Just because today is a terrible day doesn't mean tomorrow won't be the best day of your life...You just have to get there.
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◆ I have a low tolerance for bullshit today. Pleaseeeeee don't come at me with any.
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◆ Never blame a day in your life... good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience. Both are essential to life, all are God's blessings. Good Morning!
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◆ Words can't explain how f-cked up my mood is right now.
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◆ I was planning to do something today, but I haven't finished doing nothing from yesterday.
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◆ Life sucks, and then you die.
- Jacob Black99
◆ I'm working with two speeds today; slow and fuck you. Which one you want?
- Nicole Hill99
◆ It's really sad how one day I'll seem to have everything going right then the next day I'll lose everything so fast.
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◆ Dear life, When I said, 'Can my day get any worse?' it was a rhetorical question not a challenge.
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Bad day quotes, classical sentences quotes about bad day, quotes for bad day words, the best bad day quotes collection, motivational quotations on bad day.

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