Torture quotes

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◆ I often fantasize about torturing some of the lazier letters of the alphabet, like C, U, and E, because together they only manage to accomplish as much as the solitary letter Q.
- Jarod Kintz100
◆ Silence, too, can be torture.
- Justina Chen99
◆ Wild dreams torment me as I lie. And though a god lives in my heart, though all my power waken at his word, though he can move my every inmost part - yet nothing in the outer world is stirred. thus by existence tortured and oppressed I crave for death, I long for rest.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe99
◆ If Heraclitus were alive today he would recommend waterboarding his native Ephesians for the secrets of their ignorance – to protect them from the logos.
- Bauvard99
◆ Under torture you are as if under the dominion of those grasses that produce visions. Everything you have heard told, everything you have read returns to your mind, as if you were being transported, not toward heaven, but toward hell. Under torture you say not only what the inquisitor wants, but also what you imagine might please him, because a bond (this, truly, diabolical) is established between you and him ... These things I know, Ubertino; I also have belonged to those groups of men who believe they can produce the truth with white-hot iron. Well, let me tell you, the white heat of truth comes from another flame.
- Umberto Eco99
◆ Strange, isn't it,' mused Glokta as he watched him struggle for air. 'Big men, small men, thin men, fat men, clever men, stupid men, they all respond the same to a fist in the guts. One minute you think you're the most powerful man in the world. The next you can't even breathe by yourself.
- Joe Abercrombie99
◆ The nostalgia of a moment's love can be an illusionary precipice from which we fall from truth; in heartbreak, what we escape to in the past is what tortures us in the present.
- Mike Norton99
◆ Once you have been tortured, you can never belong in this world. There is no place that ever be your home.
- Roma Tearne99
◆ It is more dangerous that even a guilty person should be punished without the forms of law than that he should escape.
- Thomas Jefferson99
◆ Many governments employ torture but this was the first time that the element of Saturnalia and pornography in the process had been made so clear to me. If you care to imagine what any inadequate or cruel man might do, given unlimited power over a woman, then anything that you can bring yourself to suspect was what became routine in ESMA, the Navy Mechanics School that became the headquarters of the business. I talked to Dr. Emilio Mignone, a distinguished physician whose daughter Monica had disappeared into the precincts of that hellish place. What do you find to say to a doctor and a humanitarian who has been gutted by the image of a starving rat being introduced to his daughter's genitalia? Like hell itself the school was endorsed and blessed by priests, in case any stray consciences needed to be stilled.
- Christopher Hitchens99
◆ But he was sick of this charade. Sick of watching people lose a little more of their humanity each day, and sick to death of seeing people tortured in the name of God. What had happened to these people?
- Brom99
◆ It would be advisable to think of progress in the crudest, most basic terms: that no one should go hungry anymore, that there should be no more torture, no more Auschwitz. Only then will the idea of progress be free from lies.
- Theodor W. Adorno99
◆ A man does not have to feel less than human to realize his sin; oppositely, he has to realize that he gets no special vindication for his sin.
- Criss Jami99
◆ Torture can be a two edged sword.
- Christine Feehan99
◆ You can't have occupation and human rights.
- Christopher Hitchens99

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Torture quotes, classical sentences quotes about torture, quotes for torture words, the best torture quotes collection, motivational quotations on torture.

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