Poet quotes
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- Rick Riordan100◆ For the poet is a light and winged and holy thing, and there is no invention in him until he has been inspired and is out of his senses, and the mind is no longer in him: when he has not attained to this state, he is powerless and is unable to utter his oracles.
- Socrates99◆ We aren't suggesting that mental instability or unhappiness makes one a better poet, or a poet at all; and contrary to the romantic notion of the artist suffering for his or her work, we think these writers achieved brilliance in spite of their suffering, not because of it.
- Dorianne Laux99◆ I am a poet in deeds--not often in words.
- Ian Fleming99◆ I also became a poet, and for one year lived in a Paradise of my own creation; I imagined that I also might obtain a niche in the temple where the names of Homer and Shakespeare are consecrated.
- Mary Shelley99◆ He was a poet; and they are never exactly grown-up.
- J.M. Barrie99◆ I feel the only thing you can do about life is to preserve it, by art if you're an artist, by children if you're not.
- Philip Larkin99◆ Time changes nothing, girl, but the size of your underwear. . .and hopefully your hairdo.
- Minton Sparks99◆ Islands are metaphors of the heart, no matter what poet says otherwise.
- Jeanette Winterson99◆ Use all the ugliness you're feeling to make something beautiful
- Laura Goode99◆ This one is for our crew, but it's also for all the weird girls and word nerds, for all the in-the-middle wickeds and queers and misfits and hell-raisers.
- Laura Goode99◆ For Emily Dickinson every philosophical idea was a potential lover. Metaphysics is the realm of eternal seduction of the spirit by ideas.
- Charles Simic99◆ God would seem to indicate to us and not allow us to doubt that these beautiful poems are not human, or the work of man, but divine and the work of God; and that the poets are only the interpreters of the Gods...
- Socrates99◆ Think of my Pleasure in Solitude, in comparison of my commerce with the world - there I am a child - there they do not know me not even my most intimate acquaintance - I give into their feelings as though I were refraining from irritating a little child - Some think me middling, others silly, other foolish - every one thinks he sees my weak side against my will; when in thruth it is with my will - I am content to be thought all this because I have in my own breast so graet a resource. This is one great reason why they like me so; because they can all show to advantage in a room, and eclipese from a certain tact one who is reckoned to be a good Poet - I hope I am not here playing tricks 'to make the angels weep': I think not: for I have not the least contempt for my species; and though it may sound paradoxical: my greatest elevations of Soul leave me every time more humbled - Enough of this - though in your Love for me you will not think it enough.
- John Keats99◆ The poets and philosophers I once loved had it wrong. Death does not come to us all, nor does the passage of time dim our memories and reduce our bodies to dust. Because while I was considered dead, and a headstone had been engraved with my name, in truth my life was just beginning.
- Kevin Williamson99
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Poet quotes, classical sentences quotes about poet, quotes for poet words, the best poet quotes collection, motivational quotations on poet.
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