Parents quotes
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- Lemony Snicket100◆ My parents told me 'You watch too much TV and should try reading more!' So I turned on the subtitles.
- 100◆ That awkward moment when your parents ask if you like anyone.
- 99◆ Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.
- Anne Frank99◆ Your parents may not be perfect, but they are the most perfect gift God has ever given you.
- 99◆ I follow my friends around their house because I don't want to be left alone and have awkward moments with their parents.
- 99◆ That awkward moment when your dad thinks that every boy you talk to is your boyfriend.
- 99◆ We all hate it when we're joking around with our parents and then it turns into a life lesson.
- 99◆ I don't like talking on the phone when my parents are listening. So uncomfortable.
- 99◆ That look you give your friend when they say something they weren't supposed to mention in front of your parents...
- 99◆ You spend years wishing your parents would get off your back, only to realize they're the only ones who ever really had your back.
- 99◆ Waiting for your parents to be in a good mood before asking them for something.
- 99◆ 'Mom, make me some food ?' 'Get it yourself.' 'Never mind, I'm not hungry...'
- 99◆ That awkward moment when your friend is getting yelled at by their parents and you just sit there awkwardly petting their dog or talking to their fish.
- 99◆ Remember to love your parents...We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.
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Parents quotes, classical sentences quotes about parents, quotes for parents words, the best parents quotes collection, motivational quotations on parents.
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