Pain sayings

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◆ Some people say it's painful to forget someone you love.Some people say it's painful to wait for someone you love.But I say the worst pain comes when you don't know whether to wait or to forget.
- Ashmita Dasgupta99
◆ Moving on isn't about not loving someone anymore and forgetting them. It's about having the strength to say I still love you, but you're not worth this pain.
- Ritu Ghatourey99
◆ Being hurt by the person we love can be very painful but we have to learn to forgive and forget it all ,there will come a day when life gets them back for what they did to you .
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◆ It's funny how the one you need doesn't need you. How that one person brought out the best and the worst in you. How the only person who can fix the pain is the one who caused it.
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◆ Its sad how someone can go From being the reason you wake up smiling, To the reason you cry yourself to sleep.
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◆ You can miss someone that died, you can miss someone that moved away, but the worst way to miss someone is to see them everyday.
- Ritu Ghatourey99
◆ I wish I could give you my pain for a moment, not to hurt you, but to make you understand how much it hurts to be left alone by you.
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◆ We talk but it's not the same, we laugh but that's only to hide the pain, our memories fade, I love you but you changed.
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◆ Once you have felt that pain of the loss of your love, you heart will feel broken, and dead. It will feel empty, but Always know that every heartbreak you have only means you're a step closer to your real love.
- Salma Rodriguez99
◆ The worst feeling you'll ever feel is sitting next to the person who means the world to you knowing that you mean nothing to them
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◆ Why is it that after all the pain you've put me through I still seem to think of you?
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◆ A shot to kill the pain. A pill to drain the shame. A purge to end the gain. A cut to break the vein. A smoke to ease the crave. A drink to win the game. An addiction is an addiction because it all hurts the same.
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◆ No matter what pain you've been through, tears will dry, broken hearts will heal, and somewhere out there the person who truly cares is waiting.
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◆ Its hard to hold tears in eyes with fake smile, still I am doing it because I don't want people to know that you are the reason behind my tears.
- Sushan R Sharma99
◆ When the one you deeply love hurts you, it forever changes the way you deal with anyone that attempts to get close to you.
- Adrian Body99

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Pain sayings, classical sentences sayings about pain, sayings for pain words, the best pain sayings collection, motivational quotations on pain.

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