Feelings quotes

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◆ The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart
- Helen Keller100
◆ You're the thought in my dreams. You're the vision in my eyes. You're the sound in my ears. You're the words in my mouth. You're everything I need. You're everything I want. You're everything that makes me, me.
- Brett Teuke100
◆ If you feel the need to insult your ex or their new lover, you obviously still have feelings for them.
- Alexis Rose99
◆ It sucks on some days when I miss you so much that I go looking through old photos, old conversations, and even old statuses. And it makes me smile, but then the hurt comes back.
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◆ We all have that one person we would take back in a second, no matter how much they hurt us in the past.
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◆ If only you could delete feelings the same way you delete text messages.
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◆ That feeling you get when, his name shows up on your phone.
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◆ Sometimes I don't tell you what I'm feeling, because I'm hoping the silence between us would give you a clue.
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◆ I keep trying to hide how much I love you, but just being your friend isnt enough.
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◆ Another love gone wrong, another heart to shatter, welcome to reality, where feelings don't matter.
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◆ I'm a human being, I cry, I'm actually extremely sensitive, my feelings get hurt, I get scared, I get nervous just like everyone else.
- Beyonce99
◆ Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.
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◆ Stop going back to the one who brings you more pain than happiness. It's not worth it to continue to invest your feelings into somebody unworthy of your love.
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◆ I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
- Maya Angelou99
◆ You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.
- Johnny Depp99

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Feelings quotes, classical sentences quotes about feelings, quotes for feelings words, the best feelings quotes collection, motivational quotations on feelings.

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