Fate quotes

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◆ Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
- Allen Saunders100
◆ Be careful home wreckers, go ahead and mess with someone else's man knowingly. One day your most treasured relationship will be ruined in the same way. Karma!
- Nishan Panwar100
◆ Love will find you, even if you are trying to hide from it.
- 99
◆ Met by coincidence, conversated by choice, and fell in love by fate.
- Raghib Clitso99
◆ Stop trying to be author of your romantic fate...let the universe kick in and lend a hand. Not only will you end up somewhere surprising, but you'll also start to have much more fun when you surrender control.
- 99
◆ In order to move on in our lives, sometimes we have to accept that we might never understand what has happened, some things are just meant to be unknown
- 99
◆ Broken friendships are very hard to fix but sometimes we just have to believe that everything will be okay in the end.
- Maria Clara99
◆ You may not always end up where you thought you were going, but you'll always end up where you meant to be....
- 99
◆ Sometimes I wonder if maybe we'll ever get back together, and then I realize that we'll never really be over. In a way it hasn't changed at all, but in some ways, it has. It's not that we aren't meant for each other, I think its just maybe we aren't ready for forever.
- 99
◆ I just don't understand why destiny allowed some people to meet when there's no way for them to be together.
- 99
◆ Look at it this way, even in situations where nothing goes how you want, everything ends exactly as it should.
- Jamie Timbre99
◆ Forget all the reasons why it won't work, and believe the only reason why it will.
- 99
◆ If it was truly meant to be it will happen, but if its not meant to be then you learn to let go.
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◆ Who cares how many wrong turns, zig-zags and detours we encounter? As long as we end up where we're meant to be.
- 99
◆ The heart is like a compass. It either leads you closer to a person or it shows you another way. If its meant to be, it will be.
- 99

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Fate quotes, classical sentences quotes about fate, quotes for fate words, the best fate quotes collection, motivational quotations on fate.

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