Happiness sayings
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- 99◆ The best feeling in the world is to know that your parents are smiling because of you.
- 99◆ We fight, laugh, love, cry, scream, yell, talk about our future, wanting to have a family. That's why I love you because no matter what we say or do to one another. We always are able to work it out in the end. You are the reason I love the reason I trust. You are the best in the world, and I am blessed to be your girl.
- Emma Swenson99◆ Hes so sweet, I cant help but smile every time he comes to see me. There is not one minute of the day you are not on my mind. I'm glad I am your's and I am glad you are mine. Kisses are sweet, hugs are warm, I love you's that touch your heart, we both know the love we have for one another can never be torn, everyday I wake up with a smile knowing someday I'll be walking down the aisle. Our love between another is so true. And we both know that you can't be without me, and I can't be without you.
- Emma Swenson99◆ As soon as your ex sees you smiling, thats the minute they want you back.
- 99◆ Happiness is the most important thing in the world, without it, you live a life of depression.
- Marilyn Monroe99◆ When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down happy. They told me I didnt understand the assignment, and I told them they didnt understand life.
- John Lennon99◆ If you're Happy and you know it thank your ex!
- 99◆ Yeah I'm smiling but you're not the reason anymore.
- Drake99◆ Admit it. You get a small rush of happiness when your crush likes your Facebook picture or status.
- 99◆ Happiness is having a dream you cannot let go of and a partner who would never ask you to.
- 99◆ If you were happy before you knew someone, you can be happy when they're gone.
- 99◆ I don't want a relationship where people say, 'They look so cute together.' I want one where they say, 'Look how happy they are together.'
- 99◆ Some people are so stressed trying to be perfectly flawless.... but I'm so HAPPY to be perfectly flawed.
- 99◆ Anyone can make you happy by doing something special, but only someone special can make you happy without doing anything.
- 99
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Happiness sayings, classical sentences sayings about happiness, sayings for happiness words, the best happiness sayings collection with inspirational, wise and funny quotations by famous authors on happiness, being happy, contentment.
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