Regrets sayings

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◆ One day, it'll be too late to want to appreciate a good person you once had but took it for granted. Some day someone else will come along, take up that which was lacking and show their appreciation towards it and make them see what their true worth consists of!
- Telisa McLaughlin99
◆ Never let the regrets of yesterday destroy the hopes of tomorrow.
- Nishan Panwar99
◆ If you start to miss me remember, I didn't walk away, you let me go.
- 99
◆ It's amazing the things you realize when you lose someone: you get mad at yourself for not saying the things you could've a million times, you take for granted the days spent doing nothing when you could have been with them. Anyone can be taken, at any time in our lives, but we always wait until they're gone to say the things we never had the courage to before.
- Cherrymae Esdrelon99
◆ I can't take back my mistakes, I can't take back my sins.. but I could make up for them and wish for everything to be OK.
- 99
◆ We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But we are not our mistakes, we are not our struggles, and we are here NOW with the power to shape another day and our future. Every single thing that has ever happened in our life is preparing us for a moment that is yet to come in our future !!
- Glen Rambharack99
◆ Life is all about choices, choose wisely or live the rest of your life in regret..
- Ritu Ghatourey99
◆ Selfish people lose so much in life, because even when they realize they are wrong, they don't know how to ask for forgiveness or show regrets.
- 99
◆ One of my biggest regrets is letting you into my life and my heart again. Now all I think about is you, and you still don't care!
- Nickey Noeth99
◆ The saddest part about heart break is that it never leaves, you may forget about it for awhile it might fade but you'll always remember the climax and the thought of what could've been.
- 99
◆ Day after day I'm missing you. Week after week I'm forgetting you. Month after month I'm moving on. Year after year I'm regretting the moment I met you.
- Mahmoud El Hallab99
◆ In the end, I'll regret all the chances I didn't take with you. I'll regret all the moments I let slip by. I'll regret all the times I hid my feelings from you. And in end, my biggest regret was losing you.
- Mahmoud El Hallab99
◆ Never let a relationship make you become something your not, because the truth is, when it's over they may never regret losing you, but you'll always regret losing yourself.
- Sushan Sharma99
◆ And now Im living in the past with all these regrets. Looking at all the chances I was too afraid to take and the people I was too scared to admit my feelings to. Life is moving on but I still can't let go off all these regrets.
- Mahmoud El Hallab99
◆ Back then I was so young and naive, I couldn't tell from the wrong to the right. Now Im living a life with regrets and wanted to start all over again.
- Wazim Shaw99

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Regrets sayings, classical sentences sayings about regrets, sayings for regrets words, the best regrets sayings collection, motivational quotations on regrets.

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