Proof proverbs

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◆ Actions always prove why words mean nothing.
- Anurag Prakash Ray98
◆ Each day I smile just a little bit more, just to show people who think I can't that I'm gaining the confidence to do all things that I know I can.
- 98
◆ Prove to your haters that you are too big to hate back.
- Terry Mark98
◆ Actions speak louder than words. It's not the things you say that are important, it's the things you do that prove everything.
- Sarah Moores98
◆ WAITING is a sign of true love and patience, anyone can say 'I LOVE YOU' but not everyone can wait and prove it's true.
- Kaceem Aveiro98
◆ The best way to achieve freedom from your parents is to gain their trust by proving that you can take very good care of yourself in their absence.
- Terry Mark98
◆ There will be Haters, There will be Doubters, There will be Non-Believers, and then There will be You proving them Wrong.
- 98
◆ No matter how many people try to criticize you, the best revenge is to prove them wrong.
- 98
◆ Tears are not a sign of weakness, but proof that you are human and that you care.
- Bernajoy Vaal98
◆ Being a kind or decent person is not only measured in mere words but with actions, don't just say it, show it.
- Rashida Rowe98
◆ Never say 'that won't happen to me'. Life has a funny way of proving us wrong.
- 98
◆ Always believe in yourself when no one else does because you can prove them wrong and show them how strong you really are!
- Nishan Panwar98
◆ There always comes a test in our life, when we have to prove our self as a good child, a friend, a brother or sister, a lover and above all a good person. We pass, we fail but the kind of person we are, varies.
- 98
◆ Trusting you again is my decision, proving me wrong is your choice.
- 98
◆ BEING able to wait is a sign of true LOVE and patience. Anyone can say I LOVE YOU but not everyone can wait and prove it's TRUE...
- Melchor Lim98

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Proof proverbs, classical sentences proverbs about proof, proverbs for proof words, the best proof proverbs collection, motivational quotations on proof.

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