Positive life quotations

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◆ Stop focusing on your past mistakes. Dont be ashamed of the things that youve done. We ALL have made mistakes. Dont you see? All of those things helped shape you into the beautiful person that you are today! Hold your head up high because you didnt allow your past mistakes to consume you. You learned! You conquered! You became a better YOU. Be proud of who you are TODAY!
- Stephanie Lahart99
◆ There are people who are dancing through Life and others who are crying through Life. The irony is that Life is the same, what we do is purely our Choice.
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◆ If the purpose of living is to worry, then what is the value of Life? Stay above your problems and walk closest to your dreams.
- Terry Mark98
◆ The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
- Zahid Abas98
◆ Things turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out.
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◆ Any fool can be happy. It takes a man with real heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep.
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◆ For every rain that fell on your face comes the rainbow that will shine on you and gives you grace.
- Joanne Lobedica98
◆ Never regret. If it is good, it's wonderful. If its bad, it is experience. Don't look back in regret. Move forward with hope.
- Anil Sinha98
◆ It shouldn't be hard to be happy for someone else's accomplishments, because being happy for someone other than yourself makes it easier for you to accomplish your own sense of happiness too!
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◆ I'm really a very positive happy person. I smile no matter what. Life's short and not promised
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◆ Stay strong always because there's always a positive side in this life & never say never, because the dreams come true if you never give up.
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◆ Struggles are required in order to survive in life, because in order to stand up, you gotta know what falling down is like. Stay Positive
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◆ A positive outlook on life can reassure happiness when feeling down. Have faith & let ur positive attitude be contagious...
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◆ I'm ready for new friends. Friends that are positive, God is number ONE in their life before anything. That arena definitely suits me!
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◆ Anyone that's negative shouldn't be a part of your life. You want some who can be positive and uplift you and have good positive energy.
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Positive life quotations, classical sentences quotations about positive life, quotations for positive life words, the best positive life quotations collection, motivational quotations on positive life.

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