Police sayings

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◆ I wonder how police on bikes arrest people. Alright, get in the basket...
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◆ No officer, I swear to drunk I'm not God!
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◆ Look officer, I'm not being a smartass. All I'm sayin' is if you caught me then you were speeding too.
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◆ Remember, if we happen to get caught, you are deaf and I don't speak English.
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◆ In my society the Pizza Man gets to my house faster than the police!
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◆ Hardest job in the world: Police sketch artist in China.
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◆ A police officer asked me where I was between 4 and 5? I said kindergarten.
- Kayla Knight99
◆ The Worst Feeling: Seeing a cop car make a u-turn behind you.
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◆ A cop pulled me over and said, 'Papers...' So I said, 'Scissors, I win!' and drove off like a boss!
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◆ No officer, I didn't see you in my rear view...my eyes haven't left my phone for at least the past 5 miles...
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◆ A police officer came up to me yesterday and said, 'Where were you between four and six?' I said, 'Kindergarten'
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◆ Officer, I can't even say the alphabet backwards when I'm sober...
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◆ Cops should yell 'Pikachuuuu!!' when they taze someone.
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◆ Yes officer, I did see the 'Speed limit' sign...I just didn't see you.
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◆ I've never had a problem with drugs. I've had problems with the police.
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Police sayings, classical sentences sayings about police, sayings for police words, the best police sayings collection, motivational quotations on police.

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