Palm sunday sayings

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◆ It is wiser to build our dependance on God than building it on people, because people can choose to leave us at any moment. But only we can choose to leave God because He is ever present and there for those who need and seek Him with a sincere Heart. Happy Palm Sunday!
- Terry Mark99
◆ Today is Palm Sunday which marks Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It is also the beginning of Holy Week.
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◆ It's Palm Sunday and it's time to look back and remember what Christ has done for you. He had you on His mind over 2000 years ago!
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◆ Today, we remember not just Jesus' entry in to Jerusalem in the past, but also his entry in the future.
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◆ Palm Sunday! Be reminded of the reason for the Easter season! Amongst all the busyness that goes on reflect on Jesus and His resurrection!
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◆ Today, many years ago, He rode a donkey not a horse. Peace is still the way He travels.
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◆ It's Palm Sunday, and so begins our journey with Jesus from Jerusalems gate to Golgothas cross to Easters triumph!
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Palm sunday sayings, classical sentences sayings about palm sunday, sayings for palm sunday words, the best palm sunday sayings collection, motivational quotations on palm sunday.

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