Palm sunday sayings
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- Terry Mark99◆ Today is Palm Sunday which marks Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It is also the beginning of Holy Week.
- 99◆ It's Palm Sunday and it's time to look back and remember what Christ has done for you. He had you on His mind over 2000 years ago!
- 99◆ Today, we remember not just Jesus' entry in to Jerusalem in the past, but also his entry in the future.
- 99◆ Palm Sunday! Be reminded of the reason for the Easter season! Amongst all the busyness that goes on reflect on Jesus and His resurrection!
- 99◆ Today, many years ago, He rode a donkey not a horse. Peace is still the way He travels.
- 99◆ It's Palm Sunday, and so begins our journey with Jesus from Jerusalems gate to Golgothas cross to Easters triumph!
- 99
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Palm sunday sayings, classical sentences sayings about palm sunday, sayings for palm sunday words, the best palm sunday sayings collection, motivational quotations on palm sunday.
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