Behavior sayings

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◆ The truest form of love is how you behave towards someone, not how you feel about them.
- 99
◆ No one has ever been offended by someone with good manners and courteous behaviour.
- Vikrant Parsai99
◆ Don't judge anyone, Behind every person; there's always a reason why they are the way they are. We just can't help it. We are who we are and who we are meant to be in this life.
- Kemmy Nola99
◆ Be a beautiful person with your attitude, your words and your behavior.
- Nishan Panwar99
◆ Learn to look for and appreciate the love, beauty and kindness around you. It's there, but, you may have to change your thinking and behaviour to discover it
- Rashida Rowe99
◆ You and only you are the owner of your attitude and actions. Don't use your relationships as an excuse to be weak or negative.
- Suman Rai99
◆ In life, you prove your worth through your actions, not your words.
- Nishan Panwar99
◆ You are in control of your thoughts and actions so you are responsible for what you do with your life. Never blame anyone for your mistakes. Learn from them.
- Nishan Panwar99
◆ You cannot change anyones behavior, if they do not wish to change, for change comes from within.
- Rashida Rowe99
◆ Age does not make you MATURE. It is the actions and behaviors that you display during adverse situations that do.
- 99
◆ TIME decides who you meet in your life. Your HEART decides who you want in your life. BEHAVIOR decides who will stay in your life.
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◆ Stop making excuses for someone's behavior, allow your intuition to save you from heartache.
- Rashida Rowe99
◆ Humility is similar to humanity with both being deepily connected with the behavioural kindness as the first priority on the ground of morality.
- Anuj Somany99
◆ You don't need to wait to hear the 'apology' to forgive. It may never come. Let forgiveness be a 'gift' that is not dependent on someone else's behavior, but on your generous heart.
- Ash Sweeney99
◆ Your attitude and behavior will determine how much and what kind of respect a person will have for you.
- Rashida Rowe99

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Behavior sayings, classical sentences sayings about behavior, sayings for behavior words, the best behavior sayings collection, motivational quotations on behavior.

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