Labor day quotes

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◆ Happy Labor Day to someone who barely labored this year.
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◆ Let's do as little as humanly possible until Labor Day so we'll have the energy to do slightly more than that afterwards.
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◆ Remember to let yourself relax this Labor Day before letting yourself go this winter.
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◆ I wish I remotely made enough money from my labor to afford a Labor Day vacation.
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◆ Labor Day is a great opportunity to reflect on what you failed to accomplish this summer.
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◆ Here's to hopefully still having jobs when we return from Labor Day weekend.
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◆ The Labor Day holiday means I get my unemployment check a day late.
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◆ This Labor Day, let's salute American corporations for keeping the Chinese gainfully employed.
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◆ Labor Day is a fitting tribute to the contributions of American workers in industries other than those that recently destroyed America.
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◆ Thanks to the catastrophic greenhouse effect, Labor Day no longer signifies the end of summer.
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◆ The true meaning of Labor Day is remembering those who have given their time, best efforts and worked hard in their lives for this blessed country. Happy Labor Day.
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◆ The work you do each day is appreciated in every way. So take time this Labor Day to unwind and have a great time.
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◆ As summer winds down, you deserve a day of rest and relaxation. Have a happy Labor Day.
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◆ From field to field, and desk to desk, your hard work is what makes our nation the best! Happy Labor Day.
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◆ Take comfort this Labor Day in knowing the pressure to have fun this summer is finally over.
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Labor day quotes, classical sentences quotes about labor day, quotes for labor day words, the best labor day quotes collection, motivational quotations on labor day.

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