Freaky quotes

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◆ Baby, you were my first, but damn you were the worse!
- 100
◆ Nice pants, can I test the zipper?
- 99
◆ I'm like chocolate, I melt in your hands.
- 99
◆ My name's not Elmo, but you can tickle me anyways.
- 99
◆ I'm here! Now what are your other two wishes?
- 99
◆ Do you know what would look good on you? Me!
- 99
◆ Don't stick your tongue out unless you plan to use it.
- 99
◆ Pardon me. Are you in heat?
- 99
◆ Sex is evil, evil's a sin sins are forgiven, so let's begin.
- 99
◆ I like to study... You!
- 99
◆ I'm boyfriend number 2, cuz the first one he don't really seem like he know what to do. I'm boyfriend number 2 and I know you like it freaky so I'm gonna give it to you. I'm boyfriend number 2, Don't fuss, don't fight, don't argue, cuz second place always got a whole lot to prove,
- Pleasure P99
◆ Okay. Just Bella and Jacob. None of those freaky Virgos here.
- Jacob Black99
◆ She like that freaky stuff 2 and the O, 1 in the eye, that kinkee stuff, you nasty.
- Pitbull99
◆ Let's get freaky now, let's get fucking freaky now.
- Brokencyde99
◆ Now tell me. Do you wanna get freaky?
- Usher99

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Freaky quotes, classical sentences quotes about freaky, quotes for freaky words, the best freaky quotes collection, motivational quotations on freaky.

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