Fake girls quotes

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◆ When shit goes down and sides are taken, you find out who was real and who was fakin.
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◆ You just gotta deal with the shit people do. Not everyone in life is gonna stay true.
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◆ Dealing with backstabbers there's one thing I've learned, they are only powerful when ur back is turned.
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◆ Why be fake? In the end, the truth comes out and when that happens, you're standing alone.
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◆ I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod because my shadow does that much better.
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◆ Some friends are like pennies. Two-faced & worthless.
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◆ I'd rather be a bitch than a hoe. I'd rather tell it like it is than blow every guy I know.
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◆ You wanna know who your true friends are? Screw up and see who's still there.
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◆ No matter what happens, I'm gonna make it. If I'm not happy, I'll just fake it...I've been thru backstabbers, scumbags and lies. I got a whole list of people I despise.
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◆ You just have to learn to forget about the people, who forgot about you.
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◆ No more games, no more drama. When you wanna be real gimme a holla.
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◆ People these days are too fake. They say I'm always here for you! Bitch please! Give me a break.
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◆ B E S T F R I E N D is 10 letters but so is L Y I N G B I T C H!
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◆ What goes around comes around. That's what people say. So all the pain you caused me will come back to you someday.
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◆ Take out the picture blow off the dust. Take off the frame it's starting to rust. Remember the times we had together. What happened to being Best Friends Forever.
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Fake girls quotes, classical sentences quotes about fake girls, quotes for fake girls words, the best fake girls quotes collection, motivational quotations on fake girls.

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