Fake friendship quotes

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◆ When shit goes down and sides are taken, you find out who was real and who was fakin.
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◆ Thru the toughest times you made me sad, you just had to put shit in my face to make me mad. I've had enough of all that you do, think you got me conquered ova? Well screw you too.
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◆ People talk a lil too much...you never know just who to trust.
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◆ You could care less about me, I know I know you don't give a fuck, it shows. Don't come crawling to me when it ends, I used to actually feel like your best friend.
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◆ Promised we'd be friends till the day we die but it all end with a new friend or a goodbye.
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◆ I wish life was like a Fairy Tale and people were always friends, instead of these non-stop disasters that NEVER want to end.
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◆ You just gotta deal with the shit people do. Not everyone in life is gonna stay true.
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◆ You got nothing to lose. You don't lose when you lose fake friends.
- Joan Jett99
◆ Dealing with backstabbers there's one thing I've learned, they are only powerful when ur back is turned.
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◆ You start backstabbing me and going against your word, thinking "Oh she'll never find out" but guess what....I heard.
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◆ I'd rather have an enemy who says that they hate me, than to keep a FRIEND whose mission is to put me down secretly.
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◆ What goes around comes around. That's what people say. So all the pain you caused me will come back to you someday.
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◆ Sometimes your 'Best friends' are really enemies in disguise.
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◆ Take out the picture blow off the dust. Take off the frame it's starting to rust. Remember the times we had together. What happened to being Best Friends Forever.
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◆ No matter how hard I seem to try, you turn around and twist my words into a lie. Are friendships supposed to be like this? Cuz if they are...then I quit.
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Fake friendship quotes, classical sentences quotes about fake friendship, quotes for fake friendship words, the best fake friendship quotes collection, motivational quotations on fake friendship.

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