Valentine poems to wife

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My wife

- by Rolly Reinhart 59

Unexpectedly she entered my life
This woman, this angel, who became my wife

She captured my heart and soul
Warming a place once so dark and cold

This woman, this angel, to love and embrace
With a gentle touch to caress her face

Her words of love, so honest and true
She whispers to me when the day is new

She provides a home filled with love
A home blessed by GOD above

This woman, this angel, GOD would bless
A baby to hold and gently caress

For eternity we shall adore and love
Our baby from heaven above

This woman, this angel, wife and mother
I know there can be no other

This woman, this angel, and mother; she is my life
This woman, this angel, and mother; she is My Wife.

Please be my valentine

- by Robert B. Anderson 58

Please be my Valentine,
Not only on this day.
But every day throughout the year,
You're my best friend in every way.
You are my box of Chocolates,
In each piece a sweet surprise.
You shower me with diamonds,
With the sparkles in your eyes.
You are my Valentine candy,
With the loving words you say.
You're like my dozen roses,
You are my heart's bouquet.
You touch me with a tenderness,
That gently warms my heart.
You truly are my lifeblood,
I pray we'll never part.
You've given my life meaning,
Like none other throughout my life.
You always bring me comfort,
When my heart is filled with strife.
You are my ray of sunshine,
You're truly my best friend.
Our souls are joined together,
In a closeness that'll never end.
You'll always been my sweetheart,
Beyond the end of time.
You give me so much happiness,
Please be my Valentine.

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Famous poems about valentine poems to wife. A collection of valentine poems to wife poems, as well as a free poetry contest. Poems for valentine poems to wife in english. The best valentine poems to wife Poems Collection, classical valentine poems to wife Poems.

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